Value-Added Services

Nebraska Total Care covers all of the medical services that are included in the Heritage Health plan. In addition to those, we offer some additional services to help members be well. These are called Value-Added Services.
Some of these services are available to all Nebraska Total Care members. Others are offered to members that meet certain health criteria. Listed below are some of the additional services that we offer.
These adult immunizations are covered:
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
- Intradermal Influenza Vaccine (Short Needle)
- High-Dose Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (Fluzone)
- Zoster (Zostavax)
- Pneumonia
- Meningococcal
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis
- Covid-19
An annual membership for the Boys & Girls Club can be covered for age-appropriate members.
Call Club is a social calling program created with the aim of improving the health and well-being of our community. You would be matched with a friendly person based on interests. They would call you around 1-2 times per week. You can chat for however long or short you want. It is completely up to you. You would be able to talk about whatever you like. This is an opportunity for a new friend. There is no cost to you. This is a benefit offered by Nebraska Total Care. If you would like to join the Call Club, please contact Member services at 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711).
The Client Assistance Program (CAP sessions) covers up to five outpatient therapy sessions annually without an Initial Diagnostic Interview. Members can contact providers directly to receive services.
Nebraska Total Care will pay for one community garden plot per household. We have relationships with many gardens in the state. Download a list of Nebraska area community gardens (excel). Some gardens may run out of plots. To add a garden to this list, please contact us.
Contact your local garden to see if we are already working with them. If we have not worked with your local garden please call us. We will contact them to see if we can pay for a plot.
The benefits of gardening are bountiful:
- Physical movement
- Engage with the community
- Spend time with the family, unplugged
- Enjoy the emotional benefits of connecting with nature
- Learn a new skill
- Access a healthy and sustainable source of food
- Develop a hobby that is low-cost
- Set a goal, work toward it, and realize an accomplishment
Nebraska Total Care offers GED testing materials. Contact Member Services for additional information.
Get rewarded for focusing on your health! Earn rewards when you complete healthy activities like a yearly wellness exam, annual screenings, tests and other ways to protect your health.
My Route To Health is available to anyone interested in learning more about health. Parents, teachers, caregivers and students can access books, videos and activities about different health topics. Current topics include hygiene, dental health, fitness, digital safety and more.
New parents whose infant has been admitted to the NICU receive additional supplies and supports from Nebraska Total Care. Services are delivered by Community Health Workers.
Beginning January 1, 2023, if you complete the Notice of Pregnancy (NOP), you can earn a reward. You must complete the form at least 60 days before your baby is due. Once we have the form, a Care Manager will call you. They will arrange for you to receive one of these items that you choose:
- Car seat
- Stroller
- Pack and Play
- Meal delivery of 10 meals
Complete a Notification of Pregnancy NOP Form (PDF) as soon as you learn you are pregnant. You can do this in the Secure Member Portal. Or you can call Member Services. The number is 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711).
Nebraska Total Care covers required sports physicals for members ages 4-18. Contact the youth’s PCP to receive services.
Nebraska Total Care works with Pomelo Care. This gives pregnant people and new parents more support services. Members can get live support through Pomelo Care. They have doctors, midwives, nurses, dietitians, therapists, pediatricians, and more. They can help with pregnancy or after your baby is born. They can help with breastfeeding.
Pomelo Care is available 24/7 through a mobile app. They can help with urgent needs and ongoing support. Text, call, or video chat with them anytime.
Pomelo Care has online pregnancy and postpartum groups. A midwife leads groups. Talking with other pregnant people and new parents can be helpful. They talk about topics like:
• pregnancy symptoms
• nutrition
• managing stress
• preparing for labor
• infant care, and more.
To set up this service please call us. A Care Manager can connect you to services. The phone number is 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711). You can go to their website at
Pregnancy supports do not replace your doctor. They can work with your doctor. Continue to see your doctor. Call us if you need other help with your pregnancy. We will help you get the care you need.
Nebraska Total Care provides eligible members vouchers for online Weight Watchers participation.
To be eligible, members need to be age 18+ and have a BMI of 30 or higher.
To get the Weight Watchers vouchers your doctor needs to confirm your BMI. They need to have checked you within the last month. The doctors office can call or fax us with your information.
Extensions can be approved if you decrease your BMI by 1 point. Go to your doctor and get a note showing the decrease in your BMI. You will also have to be involved with our Care Management team. To talk to Care Management staff call Member Services. The number is 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711). Choose the option to talk to Care Management.
Doctor’s notes can be mailed or faxed to us. Mail to:
Nebraska Total Care
ATTENTION: Care Management
2525 N 117th Ave, Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68164
The fax number is: 1-844-340-4888.
When you meet these requirements we will send you another set of vouchers. We will stop giving extensions when your BMI makes you not eligible for the program. If you stop participating in Care Management we won’t give more extensions.
Nebraska Total Care will pay for one 3 month membership for each member. This is a one-time benefit.
You may get three month extensions. There are two ways to get an extension.
- Be involved in Care Management. If you want an extension please call us. The number is 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711).
- Send us a doctor’s note. You can email a doctor’s note. The email is You can fax it. The number is 1-844-305-8372. Your doctor’s note must be updated for each extension. It must include each member that wants to use the YMCA.
YMCAs are not required to participate in this program. Contact your local YMCA to ask if they participate.
NOTE: YMCAs in Nebraska are all managed separately. With some YMCAs we are able to have an exception to the extension process. You can call us to see if your local YMCA needs an extension. We will help you with the process.